So here's the alpha version, of the game, or just a little demo, i'm not sure how to call it, but here's what you can do in the game.
Work at the ranch for two days.
Clean rooms, work as a bellhop and attend clients.
4 clients are available on the demo.
Then at the thir day you get to do a special mission, so pay attention to the little board on Krystal's room, here you'll know what you have to do on each day.
To change characters go to a Plasma flower, it is like an orb that glows and it has the shape of a flower.
Ruto can't clean rooms or carry luggage, she also can't finish the day by going at Krystal's bed.
Vouchers and money are useless right now,
on future releases you will be able to buy outfits, fur colors, sex
positions (sex books), trophies and more!
Pregnancy is unlocked
at the second day of the demo for Krystal, and Ruto can be pregnant
since the beginning, just press the P key (default) and wait till you
get pregnant, and you can use the attack by pressing 4 and then 1
(default buttons).
Pause button doesn't make everything pause, some levels have elements that are unaffected by pause.
i made a cutscene for the intro, i don't really like it but i thought
to have at least one, i also don't like to make cutscenes it is hard and
boring for me, but anyway, the alpha or demo is here now!
clean rooms, press the pause button, and then press 1 or Punch button to
select the duster, do the same to deselect the duster.
-To carry luggage just go to the hotel's reception, it has to be done after cleaning all rooms of this day.
attend clients go to the rooms indicated on Krystal's room, then talk
to the client, and watch the sex scene. this has to be done after
carrying all bags.
-To finish a day just go to Krystal's room and
press the action Button on her bed, or that little haystack she needs to
use as a bed.
To jump out of the water press Action (0) button
while you are at the surface, or press jump (Spacebar) button to dive,
this could be a little bit confusing
Press Pause (Escape) to display a text that tells you what you have to do right now.
So here's the link!GFllmYSJ!S3xNmFJvFrgOV5hfTaHTAQ
The game doesn't go beyond the opening cutscene. The arwing hovers endlessly, with no way of moving the demo forward.
ResponderEliminarJust press the "Action" button to advance, it is 0 on the numpad by default, byt you can change it.
ResponderEliminarim stuk in a for ever lasting fuck scene on the first enemys outside the ranch
ResponderEliminarWhat kind of scene? what does it happen? do you mean cutscene? because there are no cuscenes other than the one at the beginning, please tell me what happens when you get stucked so i can fix it.
ResponderEliminarif you complete the obstacle course and then every lizard enemy makes you stuck for ever if you get fcked by any of em
ResponderEliminarYou need to tap the punch button repeatedly, this will make you free, and will do damage to enemies, i'm sorry, i should explain this somwhere on the game.
Eliminarthanks man :P
ResponderEliminaris there any way 2 exit the playroom orgys aswell?
ResponderEliminaron first versions, the back button for the orgy room is [.] on the numpad, return and select the extra menu, then select exit.
Eliminaron the newest version, just press escape till you exit, one ot two times, depending in which menu you are.