miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

Screenshots, Lola Bunny

Now, let's take a look at some screenshots of Lola Bunny in the action at tha play room, at Luigi's mansion

Screenshots, Princess Ruto

Now, let's take a look at some screenshots of princess ruto in the action at tha play room, at Luigi's mansion

Update [April 8 2015]

New version that should fix some bugs


Things that should be fixed in this version

- The problem that makes the game unbeatable after day 9
- An error that gets you stuck at the second part of the second mission.
- Getting out of water sometimes made Krystal being able to fly.

Other changes
- Added a function to replay an specific day after completing the game.
- Other smal changes

domingo, 5 de abril de 2015

Update 05/04/2015

Posting just to add a new link to an updated version, it is called version Debug3 it fixes some errors of the previous downloads, but might also introduce new erros, who knows?


Anyway these are the changes, and things that should be fixed by now.

- The problem of version Debug 2 that causes errors while speaking to certain characters
- The problem that locks your action button to speak to a person even if you are far away from that person.
- The problem that has Krystal holding an invisible object if she dies while holding an object.
- The problem that doesn't let you exit the jewerly shop after completing it's quest.
- When speaking to sombody while holding an object that object doesn't get stuck on your head anymore.
- Dying while holding an important object should restore that object at it's original location.
- Added two arrows at the inventory screen to show that there are other screens that show when you press left or right.

jueves, 2 de abril de 2015

Small demo at Newgrounds


I just posted a small demo of the Play Room of "The Furry Ranch" at Newgrounds, it features some of the unlockable characters of the full game and a couple of sex toys to use, just keep in mind that the play room is only a tiny tiny part of the full game, but you can try it if you want at


The full game has much more content as it is a 3D adventure game, also if you want to get all characters you can only do it on the full version

that's all for now, also some fixes are on their way.

lunes, 30 de marzo de 2015

New release Alpha 2.0!

Hello! Matpneumatos here, i just finished the new alpha version, Alpha 2.0 which features new levels, areas, girls, outfits and a saving feature along other features, please test it if you want, and give me some feedback if you have the chance.

link to the file in Mega

--Some instructions!--

Default Controls

WASD - Movement
Space Bar - Jump
Arroy keys - Camera

[.] - Target
[0] - Action
[1] - Punch
[2] - Crouch -- Can be used in midair to do a ground pound.
[3] - Kick
[4] - Sexual button -- Allows you to use your currently assigned sexual abbility, right from the start it only allows you to masurbate
[5] - Pregnant button -- makes your character pregnant after you learn that abbility
[6] - Select button -- It allows you to change your current sexual abbilitiy, does nothing until you have more than one abbility.
[8] - First person view
[9] - Change graphics quality

Esc - Pause inventory.
"K" + "J" keys, allows you to take screenshots of the game, this screenshots are stored on the data folder.

To save the game you need to find a battery backed-memory, then press the action Button while you're near it. Keep in mind that these thigs do not appear until you speak with a special person at day one, you can't complete day one until you have access to the saving option.

-To carry luggage just go to the hotel's reception, it has to be done after cleaning all rooms of this day.
-To attend clients go to the rooms indicated on Krystal's room, then talk to the client, and watch the sex scene. this has to be done after carrying all bags.
-To finish a day just go to Krystal's room and press the action Button on her bed, or that little haystack she needs to use as a bed.

When the game first starts it creates a new file named "FurryRanch" that's your "saved file" so make regular backups of that file so you can return to an specific point of the game or if you have any problems with your current file, you can share this file if you want to.

Also credits to
Jay_Steppe, Slashysmiley, and KatsuO_O
for some of the new outfits, and new ones to come.

Also www.porncritique.lol   i used some of his corrections at the Intros of the game, but the rest of the game still has no proofreads.

Known bugs---

-Some people report that their character sometimes falls through the floor when entering a new room, until i solve that issue i made a new version that lets you restore your position on command, just press the "P" key and you'll return to where you should be.

For more information visit the post at Legend of Krystal forums

usually i post here before anywhere else, and it has some additional information, and questions of other players